Thursday, April 18, 2013

10 Things About Me

Hi folks, since I do want to move away to just posting about fashion on this blog, I thought this would be fun to do, especially since I haven't actually done a post about me yet. So, here goes.

1. Since 2006 I've been presenting a radio show on community radio.
It's loads of fun and even though it does involve getting up early on a Saturday morning, I wouldn't change it for anything. For those interested I'm the voice of Trax on 5GTR-FM Saturday 9-12. Would love to hear from any of you. :) Radio is so much fun to get into, it's allowed me not only to play the stuff I love to hear but let others hear singers or bands that don't get a lot of airplay.

2. I am the owner of one cute yet insane kitty.
Unfortunately she does not live with me at the moment, she lives with my mother because I can't have her at my flat (she's 20 and kind of old for 50km travel). So technically she doesn't live with me. But she's proclaimed me as her owner for the past 20 years and whatever she wants she gets. XD Her name's Holly and she's what we like to call a "chewed-up Crunchie bar".

Not the best picture but you can see how adorable she is. Unfortunately, insanity just doesn't seem to transfer onto photos.

3. I am a Melbourne fangirl.
It's my favourite city in the world and I always count the days when I can go back and visit again. When I apply for my next Annual Leave, you all know where I'll be heading to. Love the shopping, the awesome friends and the general ambience of the place. So interesting for a country-ish girl like me. And I always have to get purikura while I'm there too.


So much goddamn fun.

4. I work for the government.
Though not in some awesome spy/secret agent way. I've been working as an Administrative Officer for a government-run aged care facility for almost two years now, and most people would think it'd be absolutely booooring but it's anything but. There's always something new and interesting to be experienced there and no day is the same as another. I heart my job. Though it's definitely different to what I'd envisioned myself doing when I was younger - I had aspirations of being a graphic designer. Funny how life turns out sometimes, doesn't it?

5. My favourite electrical device is my Kobo.
Looooove my Kobo. I've been a massive reader all my life, and finding out about the wonderful world of ebooks and ebook readers has really made my appetite for reading explode. Forget my laptop and iPod, if I had to take one piece of technology with me it would be my Kobo. Though despite what others say, it hasn't stopped me from buying actual books, actually it's just made my addiction to buying fiction increase.

6. I am massively into asian pop culture.
For sure. Whether it be anime, manga, games or music, I love it all. I guess it all started when I started watching Astro Boy on the ABC in the early 80s as a young'un, then being obsessed with Sailor Moon in the mid 90s. (Has anyone heard that the show is being redone this year? I for real squealed out loud) That moved to me reading manga, and at the moment, I consistantly watch PopAsia on SBS. Asian pop music, especially japanese and korean, goodness, I can't believe how awesome it is. I have even cosplayed once. Very badly. But I did it, and it was really the best. Some of the stuff I'm into at the moment include:
(anime) Rurouni Kenshin, Mawaru Penguindrum, Princess Jellyfish
(manga) X/1999 (or anything by CLAMP), Yami no Matsuei, Silver Diamond
(games) Tales of... series, Suikoden, otome (girl-oriented) visual novel games such as Hakuouki, Starry Sky,  Heart no Kuni no Alice
(music) Brian Joo, Leehom Wang, 2NE1, f(x), Wonder Girls

7. I've auditioned for Australian Idol. Twice.
Yup, I trundled myself off to Adelaide two years in the row, for the 2005 and 2006 seasons of the show. And never made it past the first round in either of those times. The audition process is quite a bit different from what they show on TV - you have to go through three rounds of auditions before you can even think of getting to sing before the judges. It's a long, hot, crowded process and I'd recommend it to everyone. I'm imagining shows like The X Factor and The Voice would be much similar, and that is why I'd do it again in a heartbeat. XD

8. I'm not a huge make-up wearer.
I'm pretty much content with slapping on some BB cream, eyeshadow and a bit of mascara and go about my day. I dunno about you, but for me too much make-up makes me feel like I'm wearing a mask. I do dab on a little lippie for special occassions or a little eyeliner but for the most part, I'm all for the natural look. Though compared to the makeup I used to wear a few years back (nothing), the amount I wear now seems so heavy. I've found the Garnier Oil-Free BB Cream works for me well, I've gotten compliments about how my skin looks while wearing it.

9. I still have my stuffed animal collection from childhood.
They are currently in storage containers at the top of my wardrobe because I cannot bear (heh) to rid myself of any of them. The only ones I keep out are my Snoopy dog I got for my first birthday, and my tiny little bear called Mishka which I got when I was a couple of months old. They are all so precious to me, and when I have kids I'd love to pass them on to them and hope they treasure them as much as I do.

10. I am a part-time clean freak.
If that makes sense. For a couple of days in a row I can be the most sloppy, messy person, letting my clothes and stuff just lay around, and then I get into a tizzy and just have to get my environment tidy. I stay with it for a couple of days, then get messy, then clean and the cycle continues. I just cannot stay messy all the time or clean all the time. ^-^;

1 comment:

  1. I miss Melbourne too! Was my home for a couple of years. Cute blog x

    Kate Jean xx
